Bounce and Move

Tactical Problem: Choosing the most efficient movements to get behind the ball
Skill development: N/A

Teaching Points: 


  • get square to the ball
  • move as quickly as possible to get into position


Picture of Kristina and Darren

(click on image for video clip) 

Organizational Points: 
Have each student get a ball and find a line in the gym away from others.


  • Bounce ball on the same line
  • Ball height should be just above your head after bouncing
  • Catch the ball before it hits the ground a second time
Why do you want to get behind the ball before you catch it?
     That way you are ready to throw it again right away.
What is the best way to get behind the ball?
     Run forwards, jump to turn around.

Instead of doing this on your own, work with a partner.  This simplifies the movement aspect as you and your partner toss to each other.  Now the student can concentrate on getting behind the ball.

Bounce the ball as high as you can.

Restrict the height of the bounce (i.e. only as high as your shoulders, armpits etc.)

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